Understanding Remand in Pakistani Law: A Closer Look


Remand is a crucial legal concept in Pakistan’s criminal justice system. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring that justice is served while also safeguarding the rights of the accused. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of remand in Pakistani law, exploring its legal framework, procedures, and the rights of individuals involved.

What is Remand?

Remand, in the context of Pakistani law, refers to the temporary detention of an accused person by the police or a court. It is an essential part of the criminal justice process, as it allows authorities to detain a person for a specified period to facilitate the investigation, collect evidence, and ensure the accused’s presence during legal proceedings.

Types of Remand

In Pakistan, there are three primary types of remand:

1. Police Remand: Police remand occurs when the investigating officer requests the court to grant custody of the accused to the police for further investigation. During police remand, the police can question the accused and collect additional evidence. The initial duration of police remand is typically 14 days, which can be extended upon a formal request to the court.

2. Judicial Remand: Judicial remand occurs when the accused is brought before a court, and the court orders their detention in judicial custody. This can be in a prison or a remand center. Judicial remand is often ordered when the police have completed their investigation, and the accused is awaiting trial. The duration of judicial remand can vary depending on the case’s complexity and the stage of the legal proceedings.

3. Protective Remand: Protective remand is granted to protect the accused person from potential harm, especially when there is a risk to their life or safety. This type of remand is relatively rare and is only ordered when deemed necessary.

The Legal Framework

The legal framework governing remand in Pakistan is primarily laid out in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (CrPC). The CrPC defines the procedures for granting and extending remand, the rights of the accused during remand, and the responsibilities of law enforcement agencies and the judiciary.

Rights of the Accused During Remand

1. Right to Legal Representation: An accused person has the right to be represented by legal counsel during the remand proceedings. This ensures that their rights are protected and that they have proper guidance throughout the process.

2. Right to Remain Silent: The accused has the right to remain silent and cannot be compelled to incriminate themselves during questioning by the police or other authorities.

3. Medical Examination: If the accused alleges mistreatment or torture during remand, they have the right to request a medical examination to document any injuries.

4. Review of Remand Orders: The courts regularly review remand orders to ensure that they are justified and that the accused is not held in custody without proper grounds.

5. Right to Bail: In some cases, the accused may be eligible for bail, depending on the nature of the offense and other factors. Bail is granted to ensure that the accused does not suffer undue hardship during the trial.


Remand is a vital component of Pakistan’s criminal justice system, allowing authorities to conduct investigations while respecting the rights of the accused. It strikes a balance between the need for a thorough inquiry and the protection of individual liberties. Understanding the legal framework and the rights of the accused during remand is crucial for ensuring a fair and just criminal justice process in Pakistan.

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